Lunacy sega saturn
Lunacy sega saturn

lunacy sega saturn

You will have to consult a FAQ several times, because the game does not make it clear what to do. Secondly, and most egregiously, the sequence of events are completely obtuse and non-obvious. The latter is more obnoxious, since it contains teleportation to various parts of the map, and it is very hard to keep your bearings.


Both Misty Town and Moon City are full of twisting corridors and curving paths, and it is extremely easy to get lost, which compounds your aimless sprints down these various hallways. Unfortunately, like most FMV games, Lunacy has a lot more "video" than "game."įor starters, the maps you navigate are extremely confusing. However, if I was judging this game solely by its presentation, it would get a great "cult-hit" mark. If this all sounds positive, it is, in a backhanded-compliment sort of way.

lunacy sega saturn

It's all good fun to show to friends, as they won't understand what's going on. The Town of Mists is so chock full of plot twists it makes Shu Takumi's Ghost Trick's sheer pile-up of coincidences in its final chapter seem like a low-tier M. If you couldn't tell, I can't stop laughing at how stupid all of these characters are - in fact, one character spends the entire game calling you "stupid" or "loser", so he's naturally the most likable one in the game.įor as much as I rag on the game, I am at least invested in what's going on, because it is so bizarre. The real star is Lord Gordon, the self-proclaimed "master of dirty tricks," who won't let any "moon tricks" stop him from becoming king of Moon City. The "infamous traveler" Fred sounds like a whiny goober, and you'll get used to hearing his pathetic exclamation "Oh, it's useless!" as you solve the game's obtuse puzzles. The point being is that this fast movement gives the illusion of speed to the gameplay, and even though it is an illusion, it is so much better than D or Enemy Zero's tip-toeing through the environments.Īnother thing Lunacy has going for it is its utterly goofy script, with extremely wooden and bizarre delivery. Even funnier when the camera does some mad stunts like barreling backwards down a hallway, sprinting down a ladder, and jumping laterally backwards from said ladder - Fred has got skillz. It's actually really funny watching him (or rather, the camera) gun it about town. The game bucks the trends of most FMV games with giving your character, the "infamous Fred" a real runner's pace. However, Lunacy is actually quite playable and entertaining. Usually that means you are in for an awful time (see: WARP's games, like D and Enemy Zero). Funny voice-acting/script, nice music, goofy time.

Lunacy sega saturn